Command / Cvar Arguments Description
+^fastrun n/a Toggles fastrun
+^freelook n/a Toggles freelook
+^jumpbug n/a Toggles jumpbug
+^strafe n/a Toggles strafes
+^silentrun n/a Toggles silent run (russian walking)
+^groundstrafe n/a Toggles groundstrafe
+^fps n/a Injects +fps.cfg
+^lookdown n/a +lookdown with speed from ^strafe_manual_pitch
+^lookup n/a +lookup with speed from ^strafe_manual_pitch
+^right n/a +right with speed from ^strafe_manual_yaw
+^left n/a +left with speed from ^strafe_manual_yaw
+^teleport n/a Activates soundless ultra fast (one of rHack's secrets) speedhack that will bring you to the place your crosshair points to
+^hj_measure n/a Perpendicular will be held from the flat you're aiming on to the flat on the opposite side with the distance in units displayed
^in X "cmd1"..."cmd64" Launches "cmd1", "cmd2"..."cmd64" in X seconds
^do ABC Used for writing loops (executes ^do_ABC)
^x_online n/a Displays a list of online rHack users, their ID, current nickname, IP and name of the server they're playing on.
^x_join #ID / ID / Nick Join a specific rHack user.
^x_online_hideme 1/0 Enable/Disable anonymous mode
^say message ^say as you know it has been removed. Instead, default CS "say" command has been hooked with cvar ^colour_say. You now can send colored characters on servers that support color chat without typing anything in front of a color code to make it work
^exec filename Executes a script from the current rHack.dll directory
^exec_info 1/0 Enable/Disable notifications of a successful executions
^fastrun n/a Enables constant fastrun (max 279.01)
^freelook 1/0 Enables freelook
^freelook_speed X Change speed of the camera in freelook.
^spam n/a Displays a Spam Help list with spam commands.
^chat message / argument Send a "message" to rHack Chat (visible only to rHack users )
Examples of arguments:
/me Message (Skype-like);
/pm userName/#ID/ID [/me] Message (/me is optional). To send next PM to the previously PM'ed person, use /pm (space) Message;
/join userName = ^x_join #ID/ID/Nick;
/leave = ^chat_disconnect;
/connect Username Password = ^chat_connect Username Password;
/disconnect = disconnect from server;
/exit = /quit = quit the game;
/command = /commands = displays a list of available commands in console;
/exec = ^exec script;
/online = displays a list of current users in chat
^chat_connect username password Connect to the rHack Chat with your username and password.
^chat_disconnect n/a Disconnect from rHack Chat.
^chat_query command, query... Run a specific query.
^chat_query register "password" "email" to register in rHack Chat;
^chat_query regconf "key" to confirm and finish registration where "key" is the key sent to your "email";
^chat_query kill-ghost to fix the connection issue if you're unable to connect to a server
^chat_nick_color RRRGGGBBB Set the color of your nickname in chat
^chat_gray_mynick 1/0 Enable/Disable graying the nickname on client side to avoid confusion
^chat_history_delay X Where X is the amount of seconds before the first message in chat will be gone
^chat_online_users 1/0 Enable/Disable displaying list of online chat users. Will not take effect when you're the only one who is online
^retry_on_kick n/a Enable/Disable automatic reconnection to the server when kicked
^connect IP Connect to a specific server despite any redirects, kicks or other things that can prevent you from joining a server until you connect there sucessfully. You can press ESCAPE to stop trying (the cancelselect command)
^console command Send a desired command to console. It's made for using it as messagemode ^console. Example: ^console quit
^waypoints 1/0 Enable/Disable Waypoint Bot
^waypoints_menu n/a Toggles Waypoint Menu
^waypoints_check_path 1/0 If Enabled, when unable to get to the next checkpoint while playing, get back to the previous one and skip the one that is currently unreachable
^waypoints_hide_checkpoints 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding of waypoint checkpoints
^waypoints_hide_trace 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding of waypoint traces
^waypoints_hide_actions 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding of waypoint actions
^waypoints_hide_start 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding of waypoint starts
^waypoints_hide_end 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding of waypoint ends
^waypoints_play_distance X Activate a waypoint playback upon reaching a distance of less than X units near the start of a trace
^waypoints_select_distance X If a distance till the checkpoint is less than X units it will become available for editing
^waypoints_speedhack 1-1000 Set the ^speed_engine acceleration for waypoint bot
^waypoints_switch_distance X Switch to the next checkpoint if the distance to the current active checkpoint is less than X units
^waypoints_switch_onskip X Switch to a next checkpoint if a path to the next checkpoint is free and distance to the current one is greater than in the previous frame
^waypoints_switch_smart 1/0 Skip current checkpoint if the next checkpoint is closer than the current one
^waypoints_teleport 1/0 Enable/Disable +^teleport method for waypoint bot
^waypoints_timeout X Set the maximal time in milliseconds to spend on walking through the current checkpoint. If it takes more than X milliseconds, waypoint bot turns off
^waypoints_walk 1/0 If enabled, player will be going with a speed of 130u/s
^speed 1-1000 Multiply player's speed
^speed_engine 1-1000 Multiply speed of game's engine
^cl_showfps_hide_fps n/a Removes word "fps" in cl_showfps
^playbot 1/0 Enable/Disable PlayBot
^playbot_menu n/a Toggle PlayBot Menu
^playbot_play n/a Starts PlayBot playback by approaching the closest trace available. From now on, to start a playback process you need to approach a trace and get into it's radius to start playback automatically. Radius is adjustable via the PlayBot Menu
^playbot_record n/a Starts PlayBot recording process. From now on, use PlayBot Menu to start recording process
^playbot_delete n/a Delete the closest PlayBot trace available. From now on, use PlayBot Menu to remove traces
^playbot_deleteall "AAA" on second attempt Delete all PlayBot traces on the map where "AAA" are three random letters that you will be asked to type to confirm your decision. From now on, if you need to delete all traces on a specific map, open your "playbot" folder and delete a folder with the name of you map
^playbot_goto_start X Where X is the maximal amount of units from trace's start. When disabled (0), PlayBot will run the closest available trace without going to the start position. As of now, please edit this in PlayBot Menu
^playbot_max_origin_diff 0/X Maximal deviation from position while recording to deactivate playback. Doesn't work with ^playbot_goto_start 0. As of now, you can edit this in PlayBot Menu
^aim 0/1/2/3 Enable/Disable Aimbot.
Type 1 — HitBox (best for headshots, aims at ^aim_hitbox);
Type 2 — Bones (best for other parts, aims at ^aim_bone);
Type 3 — Origin (aims at the centre of the player and adds ^aim_offset)
^aim_auto_lucky_shot 0/1/2 Enable/Disable detection of possibility to hit an enemy without aiming at him. You get a "lucky shot" hit in result. When using 2, lucky shot will only be triggered when you're not looking at the player
^aim_auto_shoot 0/1/2 Enable/Disable trigger bot in aimbot. 1 = normal; 2 = speed hack while shooting
^aim_bone X Aims at a specific player's part of the body. 3 = Lower Torso; 4 = Mid Torso; 5 = Upper Torso; 6 = Lower Neck; 7 = Neck; 8 = Head; 9 = Left Collar; 10 = Left Shoulder; 11 = Left Elbow; 12 = Left Wrist; 19 = Left Forearm; 21 = Left Arm; 41 = Left Pelvis; 43 = Left Knee; 44 = Left Ankle; 24 = Right Collar; 25 = Right Shouder; 26 = Right Elbow; 27 = RIght Wrist; 34 = Right Forearm; 36= Right Arm; 40 = Right Pelvis; 49 = Right Knee; 50 = Right Ankle.
^aim_fov X Affects the FOV (Field of View) of aiming. 360 = 360 degrees, 180 = 180 degrees ( equals to only_onscreen )
^aim_hitbox 0-20 Set a specific hitbox to aim to. 11 == Head. Only works with ^aim 1
^aim_invisible 1/0 Enable/Disable silent aimbot that is invisible only for you
^aim_offset X Add units to player's centre when aiming. 20 units ~ head ; Negative values are allowed
^aim_once 1/0 Enable/Disable aimbot activation only upon each new call of +attack
^aim_only_onscreen 1/0 Lock/Unlock max FOV on 180 degrees
^aim_predict 1/0 Enable/Disable prediction of players position accordingly with their previous position, ex_interp and ping
^aim_shoot_only_onplayer 1/0 Enable/Disable shooting only when crosshair is on the player
^aim_smooth X Set a limit on viewangles change to X per frame
^aim_stop_onplayer 1/0 Enable/Disable Aimbot deactivation when crosshair reaches the target
^aim_teammates 1/0 Enable/Disable Aimbot on teammates
^aim_thru 0/1/2 Enable/Disable Aimbot thru objects. Use 1 for PerfectWall and 2 for bullet spam
^auto_pistol 1/0 Enable/Disable auto bursts of fire when using pistol
^auto_pistol_slowdown X Set the time of auto pisto slowdown in seconds to avoid detectability.
^auto_reload 1/0 Enable/Disable automatic reload when out of rounds. Takes effect even if the attack button is still held
^autoduck X Auto duck X units before hitting the surface. Now works when you're performing a HighJump as well, if you forget to press duck when about to land on another block, autoduck will do it for you. It will only do so if autoduck is > 0
^autoduck_fallspeed X Set the falling speed in that will trigger the ^autoduck. It's being ignored while performing a HighJump
^avoid_player 0/1-32/33/34 Avoid a specific player
0 = Off;
1-32 = Specific player's ID that can be obtained from console by typing "status";
33 = Nearest player;
34 = Player you point your crosshair to
^avoid_player_reqdist X Set the required distance in units to start avoiding current active target. Simply said a radius around you that will trigger the function
^bhop 1/0 Enable/Disable Bunny Hop hack
^bhop_standup 1/0 Enable/Disable standup bunny hop
^clear_screenshot 1/0 Enable/Disable rHack's detectability on screenshots
^clear_snapshot 1/0 Enable/Disable rHack's detectability on snapshots
^cmd_ondeath cmd Set a specific command to be executed on your death. If acquired damage was not big enough, command will be executed before the death, if you were killed with high amount of damage acquired, command will be executed after the death.
^colour_say 1/0 Enable/Disable support for colored characters in regular chat. [g] is green, [t] is team color, [n] is a regular color
^edge X Set a maximum distance for edge detection. Can be buggy with huge distances
^edge_block X If the distance to the edge is less or equals to X player will be pushed away from the edge
^edge_block_inair 1/0 If the distance to the edge in air is less or equals to X player will be pushed away from the edge
^edge_bughelper 1/0 Enable/Disable Edge Bug helper
^edge_inair 1/0 Enable/Disable checking for edge in the air
^edge_jump Y Jump if a distance to the edge is less or equal to Y, where Y is not more than ^edge X
^edge_script "script" Set a script to execute
^edge_script_distance Y Execute a script if a distance to the edge is less or equal to Y, where Y is not more than ^edge X
^esp 1/0 Enable/Disable ESP
^esp_chams 1/0 Enable/Disable Chams
^esp_entity 1/0 Enable/Disable displaying entities with ESP like weapons, hostages and etc
^esp_my_velocity_trace 1/0 Enable/Disable two beams. Green one denotes your line of sight. Blue one denotes the direction of speed's vector.
^esp_name X Set maximal length of names displayed in ESP
^esp_player 1/0 Enable/Disable part of the ESP that is related to players
^esp_player_bones 0/1/2/3 Enable/Disable drawing of bones on players.
0 - Disable;
1 - Current active bone from ^aim_bone;
2 - All bones;
3 - All bones numerated;
^esp_player_hitboxes 0/1/2/3 Enable/Disable drawing of hitboxes on players.
0 - Disable;
1 - Current active hitbox from ^aim_hitbox;
2 - All hitboxes;
3 - All hitboxes numerated;
^esp_player_reload 1/0 Enable/Disable displaying the status of player's reload in percentage
^esp_showteammates 1/0 Enable/Disable teammates in ESP
^esp_weapon 1/0 Enable/Disable showing player's weapon in ESP
^esp_far 1/0 Enable/Disable Far ESP
^font_add "font name" size [weight] Add your font to the list to use later where "font name" is a full name of a specific font. Weight attribute is optional
^font_remove ID Delete a specific font from the list
^font_list n/a See a list of currently loaded fonts
^font_regular ID Set a font with index ID for a "regular" usage (displaying ^info and other similar things)
^font_mini ID Set a font with index ID for a "mini" usage (displaying ^esp)
^font_init ID Initializes a specific font with index ID. If for some reason a font wasn't created you should use this command to avoid restarting rHack. Fonts that are not initialized are marked with * in the ^font_list
^font_weights n/a Displays a list of all available weights for fonts to use from 0 to 9
^writecfg configName Write ALL cvars, rHack settings, rHack binds to a configName.cfg. You can use full paths for example: ^writecfg C:\configName.cfg
^bind key command Bind a command with rHack. It is specifically created for rHack commands, although will work even with default ones. Demo checker will not be able to detect an executed command. It's highly not recommended to bind everything this way, it might lead to a huge amount of information being processed wich will lead to a drop in performance
^bindlist n/a Displays a list of rHack binds
^unbind key Remove rHack bind
^unbindall n/a Remove all rHack binds
^calc mathematical problem Calculator solves the math problem and is capable of displaying answers in three different ways
If ^calc_say is not 0 output is being sent to the regular chat,
if ^calc_say equals to 0, then if
console is open and visible output is being sent to the console, if not
output is being sent to ^dev_msg
Supported functions:
sin(a)  cos(a)  tg(a)  +  -  * equals to x  / equals to :  ^
^calc_say 1/0 Enable/Disable sending solved math problems to the regular chat
^math_quiz_add X Y Set the position of the screen to use as a search area for math quiz. You should use the values obtained from ^math_quiz_find
^math_quiz_find n/a Shows all messages from the screen in console and their positions. Unicode symbols are being replaced with "?"
^math_quiz_del ID Delete the term from the list of a searching areas for math quiz
^math_quiz_list n/a Shows a list of all current searching criterias that math quiz is currently checking
^revive n/a Force rHack to think you're alive
^die n/a Force rHack to think you're dead
^fixed_bright 0-255 Set the amount of brightness applied.
^fixed_pitch X Set constant pitch
^fixed_pitch_fix 1/0 Enable/Disable fixing movement if ^fixed_pitch is > 90 or < -90, but slows down your movement
^fixed_yaw X Set constant yaw
^fps_helper 0-1000 Force game's engine to your desired FPS. If your real FPS is higher that the value you entered, speed hack will be activated to lower your FPS. If your real FPS is lower that the value you entered, slow motion will be turned on automatically to boost your FPS
^fps_hide_ent 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding entitnies on map when +fps.cfg is injected
^fps_hide_hud 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding game's HUD when +fps.cfg is injected
^fps_hide_player 1/0 Enable/Disable hiding player's models when +fps.cfg is injected
^fps_show_frame 0/1/X Make game's engine show each X frame only. It might seem logical that the number must be even, but it's not that simple. Every number you will type will be transformed to odd number.
0 - ignore all frames (equals to r_norefresh 1)
1 - show all frames
X - show every X frame
^glow_entities enable/on/disable/off/RRR GGG BBB AAA Enable/Disable glowing effect on entities. Set the settings for glowing entities where RRR is the amount of red color from 0 to 255, GGG is the amount of green color from 0 to 255, BBB is the amount of blue color from 0 to 255 and AAA is the amount of alpha applied on the final output from 0 to 255. See the current color settings by calling this function without arguments
^glow_player ID/33 Set the player that will have a glowing effect applied to him where ID is the ID of a player in "status" while 33 will take effect on all players
^glow_player_color RRR GGG BBB AAA Set the color for the glowing effect where RRR is the amount of red from 0 to 255, GGG is the amount of green, BBB is the amount of blue and AAA is the alpha channel applied to the final output
^goto_player 0/1-32/33/34 Automatically follow a player's path
0 = Off;
1-32 = Specific player's ID that can be obtained from console by typing "status";
33 = Nearest player;
34 = Player you point your crosshair to
^goto_player_maxdist X Set the distance in units to deactivate ^goto_player
^toggle_goto_player n/a Automatically follow player's path X where X is the ID of the player in "status". Player you point your crosshair to will be followed
^toggle_avoid_player n/a Automatically avoid player's path X where X is the ID of the player in "status". Player you point your crosshair to will be avoided
^groundstrafe_altab_fix 1/0 Enable/Disable a trick to prevent your model from constant groundstrafing while switching windows by using alt+tab combo
^groundstrafe_bhop 1/0 Enable/Disable bunny hop groundstrafe (your model will look like if you're jumping when you're actually groundstrafing)
^groundstrafe_bind_duck 1/0 Enable/Disable binding +duck as groundstrafe (possible conflict with ^groundstrafe_duck_sgs)
^groundstrafe_duck_sgs 1/0 Enable/Disable standup groundstrafe of 0.000001 units triggered with +duck
^groundstrafe_flyfix 1/0 When turned on, groundstrafe noslowdown turns off on inclines (surface that lets you fly)
^groundstrafe_jump_bhop 1/0 Enable/Disable bhop groundstrafe triggered with +jump
^groundstrafe_jump_priority 0/1/2 When enabled, groundstrafe is being turned off upon +jump. When using 2 with ^groundstrafe_standup active, bhop standup groundstrafe will be executed upon +jump
^groundstrafe_noslowdown 1/0 Enable/Disable noslowdown groundstrafe (thanks to our noslowdown brain Terazoid). Please note that noslowdown turns off on inclines automatically
^groundstrafe_standup 0.000001 - 17.999999 Set the distance for rHack to release duck when distance is <= X to perform next groundstrafe
^hns_disable_haha_sound 1/0 Enable/Disable jamming of an annoying "haha" laugh on servers
^info enable/on/1/disable/off/0/RRR GGG BBB AAA Enable/Disable showing information. Set the settings for glowing entities where RRR is the amount of red color from 0 to 255, GGG is the amount of green color from 0 to 255, BBB is the amount of blue color from 0 to 255 and AAA is the amount of alpha applied on the final output from 0 to 255. See the current color settings by calling this function without arguments
^info_aimbot 1/0 Enable/Disable aimbot's information
^info_avoid 1/0 Enable/Disable avoid_player's information
^info_cvars 1/0 Enable/Disable cvars' information
^info_damage 1/0 Enable/Disable damage information
^info_date 1/0 Enable/Disable date's information
^info_goto 1/0 Enable/Disable goto_player's information
^info_time 1/0 Enable/Disable time's information
^info_roundtime 1/0 Enable/Disable roundtime's information
^info_knifebot 1/0 Enable/Disable knifebot's information
^info_strafe 1/0 Enable/Disable strafe's information
^info_kz enable/on/disable/off/RRR GGG BBB AAA Enable/Disable general kreedz info. Set up the color for the output info where RRR is the amount of red color from 0 to 255, GGG is the amount of green color from 0 to 255, BBB is the amount of blue color from 0 to 255 and AAA is the amount of alpha applied on the final output from 0 to 255. See the current color settings by calling this function without arguments
^info_kz_edge 1/0 Enable/Disable information about edge's distance
^info_kz_fallingspeed 1/0 Enable/Disable information about falling speed
^info_kz_height 1/0 Enable/Disable information about height
^info_kz_jd 1/0 Enable/Disable information about the last jump distance
^info_kz_jd_console 1/0 Enable/Disable console logging about the last jump distance
^info_kz_speed 1/0 Enable/Disable information about the current speed
^joinclass 1-4/5 Select a specific class for Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists automatically. It's recommended for usage with old VGUI style
^jointeam 1/2/3/5/6 Select a specific team to join to automatically. It's recommended for usage with old VGUI style
^jumpbug_auto X JumpBug activation if falling speed exceeds X units per second
^jumpbug_fps 1/0 Enable/Disable FPS JumpBug
^jumpbug_slowmo 1/0 Enable/Disable fake slow motion JumpBug
^knifebot 1/0 Enable/Disable knifebot
^knifebot_aim 1/0 Enable/Disable knifebot aim
^knifebot_aim_fov 0-180 Set the field of view in degrees for knifebot
^knifebot_aim_silent 1/0 Enable/Disable silent aim for knifebot. Silent = visible for spectators only (1-5ms). Not silent = visible for everyone
^knifebot_attack 0/1/2/3/5/6/7 Set type of the attack for knifebot.
0 — Off;
1 — Mouse1 (slash);
2 — Mouse2 (stab);
3 — 1 + 2 — Auto (Mouse1, Mouse2)
5 — 4 + 1 — Mouse1 is blocked until knifebot considers it safe to use in order to hit the closest target
6 — 4 + 2 — Mouse2 is blocked until knifebot considers it safe to use in order to hit the closest target
7 — 4 + 3 — Mouse1 and Mouse2 will be blocked until knifebot considers it safe to use in order to hit the closest target
^knifebot_attack_1short 1/0 If Enabled, attack1 is using the distance of attack2 to give you a possibility of performing headshots
^knifebot_auto_goto 1/0 Enable/Disable automatic attack when enemy crosses marked distance
^knifebot_auto_goto_start X Set the safe perimeter. When an enemy crosses distance of X units automatic self-defense will be triggered
^knifebot_auto_goto_max X Set the safe distance of goto deactivation when an enemy leaves the zone of X units
^knifebot_auto_goto_sh 1-1000 Set the ^speed_engine acceleration for knifebot auto goto
^knifebot_hitteammates 1/0 Enable/Disable friendly fire on knifebot
^knifebot_method 1/0 Set the method of knifebot's principle ( 0 = by aim; 1 = by origin )
^knifebot_speedup 1/0 Enable/Disable automatic speed up to prepare after a knife's hit
^nade 1/0 Enable/Disable nade's functions
^nade_dot X Set the size of nade's explosion marker in pixels
^nade_trace 1/0 Enable/Disable nade's trace
^nightwalls 1/0 Enable/Disable inverted illumination on map
^nightweapon 1/0 Enable/Disable inverted illumination on weapons
^noflash 0-255 Set alpha value for noflash. 0 = disabled; 1 - no flash; 255 - full flash
^nomotd 0/1/2 Enable/Disable blocking of MOTD windows. To block all windows use 1. To block only the first window (upon connecting to a server) use 2
^norecoil 0-1 Set the level of recoil reducer, the "backward kick" produced by a gun. Reduces the spread of the bullets on the X axis
^norecoil_first_bullets X Set the amount of first bullets to have a NoRecoil applied to them
^norecoil_visual 1/0 Enable/Disable visible recoil on player's crosshair
^noscreenshake 1/0 Enable/Disable screen and weapon lock when moving
^nosky 1/0 Enable/Disable sky
^nosmoke 1/0 Enable/Disable smoke removal
^nospread 0-1 Set the level of prevention of bullets spreading
^nospread_first_bullets X Set the amount of first bullets to have a NoSpread applied to them
^noweapon_anim 1/0 Enable/Disable weapon's animation removal
^dev_msg X Shows a Message in the upper right corner with the color of ^info
^patch_30fps n/a Lock/Unlock a limit of 30 frames per second when connecting to a server
^patch_100fps n/a Lock/Unlock a limit of 100 frames per second WITHOUT using developer mode
^patch_1000fps n/a Lock/Unlock a limit of 1000 frames per second while using developer mode
^patch_connection_cvars n/a Lock/Unlock values of ex_interp and cl_updaterate
^patch_setinfo n/a Enable/Disable editing of setinfo keys that start with *
^nonsteamid help / argument Toggles Non-Steam ID mask changer help menu
Examples of arguments:
setmask MASK — set your specified mask for your Steam ID;
random — set new random mask for your Steam ID;
current — displays your current Steam ID and mask;
original — restore your original mask for your Steam ID
^steamid_hltv n/a Enable/Disable a trick to make server treat you like a HLTV client. This makes it impossible to ban you by your real Steam ID when playing with Steam version of the game
^nonsteamid_random 1/0 Enable/Disable execution of "^nonsteamid random" on every connect to a server
^opengl_font 1/0 Enable/Disable OpenGL font for rHack's interface
^quake_movecam X Rotate player's camera to X degrees while moving depending on player's speed. Quake-like camera
^restore_cs_onalive 1/0 Enable/Disable selecting an opened game as an active window when you're being respawned
^roundbegin_cmd command Set a specific command to be executed upon round start after the ^roundbegin_offset has passed
^roundbegin_cmd_offset unsigned integer Set a delay in milliseconds (1/1000 second) before executing ^roundbegin_cmd upon the round start
^roundend_cmd command Set a specific command to be executed ^roundend_cmd_offset milliseconds before round's end
^roundend_cmd_alive 0/1/2 Execute ^roundend_cmd only when dead = 0; Only when alive = 1; Always = 2
^roundend_cmd_offset 1-5000 Set time in milliseconds (1/1000 second) to launch ^roundend_cmd in before the round's end. ^in command is being used
^save_settings 1/0 If Enabled, all current rHack settings will be saved to rHack_autorun.cfg upon closing the game
^sniper_help 1/0 Enable/Disable help for sniper rifles. When enabled a green dot (crosshair help) appears in the middle of the screen and scope is triggered automatically on +attack.
^strafe_aa 10/100 Affects only ^strafe_type 1. Regulates strafes' rotation angle to suit sv_airaccelerate
^strafe_angle X Affects only ^strafe_type 1. Lock strafing angle to X
^strafe_dir 0-3 Set a fixed direction for strafes: 0 = forward; 1 = right; 2 = back; 3 = left
^strafe_dir_auto 1/2 Enable/Disable automatic strafe direction detection: 1 = last button; 2 = velocity angle
^strafe_fps 1/0 Enable/Disable +fps.cfg and -fps.cfg execution when doing strafes
^strafe_helper 0/1-7 Set a type of strafes for strafe helper: 0 = disabled; 1 = sidemove ; 2 = buttons ; 4 = forwardmove. You can sum the values, for example 7 = sidemove + buttons + forwardmove; 3 = sidemove + buttons and etc.
^strafe_helper_4boost X Where X is the value of forwardmove divided by speed that in result gives us the forwardmove that will be added. This option will only take place if strafe helper 4 or greater is being used. User top picks are about "17925" for sv_airaccelerate 10 (10aa) and about "72891" for sv_airaccelerate 100 (100aa). When using 0 rHack will be using a special value that will give you the best possible jump distance
^strafe_helper_4skip X If X is less than 1, ^strafe_helper_4boost will be turned on each 1/X frame. If X is greater than 1, ^strafe_helper_4boost will be turned off each X frame. So if ^strafe_helper_4skip is 0.1 then ^strafe_helper_4boost will be turned on each 10th frame. If ^strafe_helper_4skip is 10 then ^strafe_helper_4boost will be turned off for each 10 frames
^strafe_helper_dir 0-3 Set a fixed direction for strafe helper: 0 = forward; 1 = right; 2 = back; 3 = left
^strafe_helper_dir_auto 0/1/2 Enable/Disable automatic strafe helper direction detection: 1 = last button; 2 = velocity angle
^strafe_helper_maxstrafe X Set a limitation of strafes for Strafe Helper to X
^strafe_helper_off_waterlevel X Turn on strafe_helper if water level is >= X; 1 = walks on the water; 2 = swims on the water; 3 = swims under the water
^strafe_helper_skip X If X is less than 1, ^strafe_helper will be turned on each 1/X frame. If X is greater than, 1 ^strafe_helper will be turned off each X frame. So if ^strafe_helper_skip is 0.1 then ^strafe_helper will be turned on each 10th frame. If ^strafe_helper_skip is 10 then ^strafe_helper will be turned off for each 10th frame
^strafe_helper_surfix X Distance over surf plane (if distance is less than X, strafe_helper will be disabled)
^strafe_manual_pitchspeed X Set a pitchspeed for +^up / +^down
^strafe_manual_yawspeed X Set a yawspeed for +^left / +^right
^strafe_type 1/0 Set the type of strafes for +^strafe. To use default rHack strafes (by Max8w) use 0. To use default xHack strafes (by RIscRIpt) use 1
^showkeyfix 1/0 Enable/Disable jump button fix for spectators. Tricks automatic bunny hop detectors.
^thirdperson 1/0 Enable/Disable thirdperson hack
^thirdperson_distance X Set a distance from player's model for abscissa X. Negative values are allowed
^thirdperson_height X Set a distance from player's model for ordinate Y. Negative values are allowed
^thirdperson_side X Set a distance to the right from player's model. Negative values are allowed
^thirdperson_transparent 1/0 Enable/Disable transparent model when using thirdperson hack
^wallhack X If X is not 0, X will be the distance from player's location till the object, divided on wallhack_alphaoffset
^wallhack_alphaoffset X Set the maximum visibility with wallhack
^wallhack_inverse 1/0 Enable/Disable colors inversion in wallhack
^whitewalls 1/0 Enable/Disable coloration of objects in white color
^cl_timeout X Copy cvar of cl_timeout
^dever 1/0 Enable/Disable developer mode
^ex_interp X Copy cvar of ex_interp
^fps X Copy cvar of fps_max
^fps_modem X Copy cvar of fps_modem
^gl_ztrick X Copy cvar of gl_ztrick
^drawweapon 1/0 Enable/Disable rendering of weapons